Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh, I Love My Loves!

Of the top of my head, the three worldly things that I love the most are my family, basketball and music. Right now, I'm feeling happy about all three. Music's been surprisingly pleasant for me ever since I started writing, and it's awesome.

One thing about my recordings now,I've been figuring out cheap ways of getting better audio recording for my songs. Right now, my process of recording a song still costs next to nothing but the audio quality has improved by leaps and bounds since my first rap session. The video below explains how I record the vocals for the song, while I add in the music later in Windows Movie Maker by combining the video of me rapping (with little or no music) with the mp3 for the instrumental track. Will do this for my future vids until I find other cheap ways that produce better results.


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